Monday, January 12, 2009

Ohhh Back to School

Well, school has started back. This is our first full week back and I am not looking forward to it. Lauren had a swim meet this past Saturday against UNC. It was so much fun, let me tell you.. not. I actually don't despise watching meets. This time she got done swimming within the first 30 minutes of the meet, so I just sat there and watched some others swim. The Cranston's came down or up, not real sure, for the meet.. which is always fun. Shout out to Doctor C!!!!!!!! This weekend we just hung out around the apartment and relaxed. We went to Target and did a little shopping. Surprisingly, we didn't buy any chocolate while we were there. We then went to Pets Mart to look at all the dogs they had out. Then we were walking around and there was this HUGE dog. Lauren tried to pet it and the dog tried to bite her, I don't blame it. I would have too if she tried to touch me.

Today I have to go to the doctor to get my head looked out. Obviously, we all know that something isn't qute right up there.. but now we will know officially. They think I am going to have to get a CT scan, which I am a little scared about. But, it's better to find out what is wrong than to keep having these bad headaches. Tonight I am going to cook dinner for us. Which isn't weird, because Lauren never cooks. We're going to have chicken, asparagus, bananas, and cheesy potatoes. I am very excited about it, I am not going to lie.

Lauren has a swim meet this weekend in Florida. I am not looking forward to it. I won't be going, unfortunately. But, I might be going to the mountains with my parents. It's really boring up there, but at least I get to go shopping. The most important part about that would be to see Maddog. She is the coolest, everyone knows it.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

What's up, Annelise? Thanks for the shout-out. Shopping and "the mountains" never seemed to fit right into one sentence - but now that I've met you, it makes perfect sense!